Rose Quartz’s energy works well with its family – other macrocrystalline Quartz minerals. The macro-crystalline minerals form large well-shaped crystals that are often transparent, while the micro-crystalline only form microscopic crystals and are always opaque. The Quartz family has two main main groups, macr0-crystalline and micro-crystalline. There are six main groups of silicate minerals, and these main groups are further subdivided into secondary subdivisions, such as Quartz and Feldspar. These tetrahedra connect with other chemical structures, in six different ways, to form a wide variety of minerals and rocks. Together, these two elements form a tetrahedra – a shape similar to a pyramid – with a silicon atom in the center and oxygen atoms at each of the three corners. Silicates are minerals which contain the elements silicon (a light gray shiny metal) and oxygen (a colorless gas). In addition to being a major part of the Earth’s crust, silicate minerals have also been found on the moon and in meteorites. Silicate minerals are the largest family of minerals, including more than 25% of all known minerals and 40% of all common minerals. It is also an excellent talisman for heart health. For ourselves, Rose Quartz reminds us to take good care of our own body, including beauty regiments to keep our skin, teeth and hair healthy. Whether we are caring for a newborn or those at the end of life, Rose Quartz helps us to be gentle and kind. It helps us to stay patient and to do what is best for our loved ones. It is also a sweet talisman if we are caring for elderly relatives, particularly those suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia. It reminds us that LOVE is what matters, and all the rest is just details. If children are born with disabilities, Rose Quartz helps us re-arrange our thoughts about what raising children should look like. But, if there are fertility complications, it reminds us that our goal is to have someone to love, rather than insisting it has to happen in a certain way or at a certain time.

Rose Quartz encourages couples to come together in love and desire, making it a potent fertility talisman. Rose Quartz loving energy makes it a perfect stone for people in the middle stages of life when there are often many demands on our time and energy. Rose Quartz shows us that the Highest Good is always served by acting out of real love, which may manifest as self-love or as love for another. But the answer to all lessons is the same – Love.

But what else are we here for, if not to learn how to love and to become a force of goodness and Light? Sometimes the lessons will be sweet and sometimes the lessons will be challenging. It is a far greater challenge to love the stranger, the enemy and anyone who provokes fear or anger in our own heart. Rose Quartz reminds us that it is a relatively easy thing to love those who are similar to us, who behave the way we wish and whom we already love. But if violence erupts, Rose Quartz pushes to look beyond the violence and into the aching heart that is reacting from fear and anger. Rose Quartz encourages us to respond to injustice with clear communication and nonviolent protests. With this understanding, we can then truly accept “what is” and know what to do next. It can help us to intellectually understand where another person is coming from and why a situation has occurred. Rose Quartz sings of forgiveness and compassion. It encourages us to continually GIVE love joyfully and wisely and to continually receive LOVE with grace and delight. Rose Quartz celebrates every time our heart is brave and generous. It whispers into our heart that the past is the past, our future has delicious adventures still in store. It asks us to believe that eventually love will find us again. If our hearts have been broken, this gem wraps us up in a cocoon of love and allows us to work through our emotions at our own speed. It shows us that when we love people unconditionally, we allow them to breath deeply and to let their true selves come out to play. Rose Quartz happily teaches us how to nurture our existing relationships.

It gleefully helps us to attract new people to love and encourages us to welcome newcomers into our lives. If you need a love stone for any purpose under the sun, Rose Quartz will gladly assist you. Rose Quartz is the quintessential stone for all things related to love – including self love, romantic love, family and platonic love, as well as community and global love.